
Your small business could be much more profitable if you had the time to focus on the actual business instead of handling a range of administrative tasks.
Do you know how to estimate construction projects? If you don’t, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many contractors don’t know how to create a professional estimate and bid for their company.Other contractors do know how, but they just don’t have the time to. Few others have a big enough company where they can hire an in-house estimator, but they often find themselves working above capacity.
Estimating projects is an obstacle that many contractors have to deal with, and without it in the way, you’d be able to focus on growing your business.

Below are a few Estimating services that our highly qualified and experienced estimators can provide:

Review bid packages and detail bid requirements
Prepare take off
Prepare the estimate using our software or yours
Prepare scope sheets
Self-estimate all trades while also obtaining pricing from subcontractors/suppliers
Bid Submission

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